Saturday, August 28, 2010

A Navy Tradition... Dining Out

Last night Ted and I attended our first Dining Out, it was mandatory fun, but it was nice for us to get dressed up and go out for dinner as it was the first time since Connor was born that we have been able to go out on a date. 

It was a combined function between the ward room and the chief's mess, I did hear that the chief's mess voted no on having the dining out combined and I now completely understand why... At first it was interesting, but by the end of the night, it was pretty painful and almost tacky... 

It was great to see friends and catch up and meet new people so don't get me wrong, I enjoy being apart of the ship's community and am always willing to try new things and do my part but I'll never attend another combined dining out, EVER! I'm all for equality in the world, but there are so many double standards in the Navy. I don't think it was appropriate for the Navy women to be in evening gowns, but I guess it was allowed. I don't think that we should've had to pay so much for an event that was mandatory, Ted and I shelled out about $400 before the night even began and not to mention the money we spent on alcohol that night... A long list of gripes I have about the event I know... but if you were in my shoes and know what I know, you'd probably feel the same way... 

Moving right along, today was sort of a lazy day, I got to sleep in (thank you Ted) and then baked a delicious mile high peanut butter brownie pie for a friends baby shower. It was a lovely afternoon catching up with the girls and meeting Jackie's mum, I had a great time! 

Now it's 9pm and Connor's sleeping and I'm waiting for my steak dinner! yes a late dinner... Tomorrow we'll either be going to a birthday party or the Greek Festival... hmmm Greek food! Ooooompa! Hope you're enjoying your weekend! signing off to have another glass of wine... 

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