Thursday, August 26, 2010

The Cove, Energy Conservation and Upcoming Events...

I watched The Cove the other night and it truly saddened me that this is going on and that no one has been able to stop it... I really hope that we can stand up as individuals and make a difference and put an end to the slaughter of dolphins! They are such beautiful creatures. 

Our family attended the town hall meeting for energy conservation and I have to say that I came out feeling very informed on what is going to happen. Our monthly statements have never been within the range of "like" units and the bill on any given month would be from $400-$600. Based on those monthly statements, I figured that we would be paying out of pocket for electricity. So here is a breakdown of what I learned; your house will be grouped with others like it and the top 5% consumers and the bottom 5% consumers will be taken out of the equation and there will be a 40% buffer created (20% above and below the average usage) so anything you use above the 20% buffer, you'll pay, and anything below the 20% average, you will receive a credit. So throw out those statements because the base line they used for those was pretty much every house in your area, there was no real breakdown of the house size, type, etc. So I am very much looking forward to receiving our first mock bill so that we can compare what Forest City said to what the actual bill says... and no we will not get any of our BAH back... BOO! hopefully this will get our butts into gear and start conserving energy and offset our carbon footprint.

We hit the water park on Wednesday and it was nice to get out and let Connor play in the water and with none other than his best mate, Bradley. It was definitely nice to get some sunshine too! 

Tonight is duty night, sucks, but was able to have the car today and get lots of things done. I'm still dealing with this damn insurance (GAP) and can see the dim light at the end of the tunnel. Bought a baby shower gift and ingredients for the Mile High Peanut Butter Brownie Pie that I will be bringing with me. This is by far the most delectable sweet you'll ever try! I'm such a big chocolate peanut butter fan that this will satisfy that craving (can you say sugar rush?) and then we hit Walmart for some fabrics, I am going to make some baby blankets next week and try my luck at a few other baby items and see how I go, will post pics as soon as they are made. 

The weekend is almost upon us, what are your plans? We have lots going on and will blog about it as soon as I can get the time too! Have a great weekend! 

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