Monday, August 23, 2010

The beginning...

Today I have decided to officially start a blog... I've been thinking about doing this for the longest time and now my thoughts are words shared with the world, or at least whomever would like to read my mind...

The purpose of this blog is to share my experiences of not just being a US Navy Wife, but also being an Australian married to an American and the lovely culture clashes we encounter  daily... I am no Julie & Julia, I have not thought of anything exciting to do for my blog (although the idea sounds fantastic, any ideas?) I am a SAHM, I worked in the film industry, and recently gave up my career as a wedding and event planner to be at home with my son and I love being a Mum! I will eventually return to either profession, depending of course on where we end up next.

We have been in Hawaii for a year and a half now, that means we are half way through our tour! We haven't had the chance to do much as a family, since my Husband has been deployed for most of the time we've been here but he's home for a while now, so it'll be great to see what Hawaii has to offer!

I could probably write forever... well the rest of the day on what life has been like as an Aussie married to the US Navy, but I'm sure those stories will come to print soon enough... until then, I must resume my duties as a wife and mother and get the laundry caught up and dinner started... thanks for stopping by!

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