Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Oh what a day...

We got up a little late this morning, but did go on our walk, fresh air and exercise is a great way to start the day!

After eating some breakfast, I decided to deal with my damn insurance claim... A little background, my car was stolen on July 15th from my driveway and it was locked, but that didn't seem to be enough of a deterrent!  I had complained to our security department here in housing, but I wasn't diligent enough with the security of my vehicle as I should have parked it in the garage (geez, what was I thinking parking my car in my driveway?) so apparently nothing more can be done with stepping up security in our neighborhood cause enough crime hasn't happened (I could so go on forever on this topic, but just a brief note, the crime in 2008 was 222 and in 2009 the total amount of crimes was 375 that's over 100 more crimes! but that's not enough to get more security in our area) So my Husbands solution? get a shotgun!

So between the insurance company, the dealer, the financier and GAP, I've about had it! I wouldn't wish a stolen car on my worst enemy, it's brutal! but I am slowly getting through it... after all is said and done, we'll be walking away without a car payment and for now we'll be a one car family... it sucks, cause now I just can't up and get out of the house when I want to... but the extra money we'll have will go towards our trip to Australia in November and then of course Christmas! YAY! so the sacrifice is worth it...

So I've cleaned the house, started to make banana bread but I don't have unsalted butter (must get some later) and then we have our home visit from New Parent Support.

Tonight we are attending a town hall meeting to find out more information on Forest City charging us for electricity. For those of you that are non military, we receive BAH (Basic Allowance for Housing) from the Navy and for my Husband's rank, we get $2500/month (give or take) and that all goes to Forest City (the company that manages our housing area) and that includes rent, utilities and lots of great amenities (but not enough security!) So I can understand that we need to be energy conscious, but charging us for electricity? why not replace all of our appliances with energy efficient ones instead of the cheap ones we have now? I guess we'll find out more tonight...

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