Thursday, September 30, 2010

Australian Vacation

We are on the countdown now, only a few more weeks to go until we try the AMC Flight out of Hickam and into Sydney! Wish us luck, the flights leave once a week, so if we miss it, we'll be waiting another week to catch the next one.

I did complain to the right people about Ted's leave but didn't get anywhere, so it'll be 15 days and we'll make the most of it... BUGGER! It still makes my blood boil... 

We have some friends in town from Alaska (we were stationed together in Key West Florida) and it's been great catching up with them and showing them the island and just hanging out (like old times but with babies) tonight is their last night in town and we're going to spend it downtown watching the sunset before they head back to rainy Alaska... The Soultz's will be missed but hopefully you get orders here or to San Francisco or New York or Boston, cause you know The Szynski's will be coming to visit! ;)

It's finally nap time, so I must get some laundry done, make lunch, and clean up a little... 

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